Thursday, September 24, 2009

Exercise. Do you get enough?

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We all have good intentions to stay active and get daily exercise.  Unfortunately, life can get in the way.  It starts to rain, everyone at work heads to happy hour or you're just plain tired!  Here are some great tips from Weight Watchers to help you keep your workout schedule:

Make life easy for yourself
Plan a regimen that fits your lifestyle. If you work irregular hours, for example, don't sign up for classes that start at the same time each week. Instead, choose activities that can be easily slotted into your day: Walk the kids to school or run errands on foot during your lunch hour.

Draw up a weekly timetable
To help you organize your time properly, draw up a weekly timetable of planned exercise and activities. This will also help you see how much activity you're getting. Try to do something for at least 20 minutes each day, even if it's just yard work or going on a brisk walk around the neighborhood.

Attach exercise to a treat
Give yourself a reward for scheduling in fitness. Buy flowers once a week for completing all of the workouts you scheduled. You can also attach exercise to an enjoyable event, such as playing with your kids in the park or catching up with a friend on a walk.

Get everyone else on board
Make sure your family and friends know when and where you plan to exercise. This way you shouldn't get any unwelcome interruptions. If you need someone to watch the kids while you exercise, make sure you arrange this well in advance; don't rely on last-minute favors.

Anticipate motivational dips
Everyone struggles with motivation from time to time, preparing for these feelings can go a long way to combating them. For instance, if you sometimes struggle to go to your aerobics class, get a friend to call you to make sure you're not still sitting on the sofa.

Avoid danger zones
Many things can distract even the most hardened of exercisers: your favorite TV show, the lure of a night on the town with friends, or a neighbor popping in for an impromptu chat. Learn to recognize your particular "danger zones" and take steps to negotiate your way around them.

Buy figure-flattering workout clothing
You don't want to look like a sack of potatoes when you're exercising. Spend money on well-designed, flattering and supportive gym clothes; you'll be more motivated to work out.

Have a specially designated drawer for fitness gear
When you're in hurry, the last thing you want is to be hunting around for your gym socks. Keep all your exercise clothes in a special drawer so you can find them quickly.

Leave your gym bag by the door
Leaving your gym bag by the door serves two purposes: one, so you always know where it is; and two, it serves as a gentle reminder that an exercise session might be due.

Put your gym clothes straight into the wash
And last but not least, when you get back from the gym or pool, put your dirty clothes straight in the washer. Nothing is guaranteed to put you off exercising more than having to rummage around in the laundry basket for a semi-clean pair of gym socks!

1 comment :

  1. Awesome list!! This is just what I needed to hear today, thanks!!
