Here's a short description of his Six Week Holiday Challenge:
In America there’s a mindset that it’s totally acceptable and expected by well-meaning friends and relatives to gorge on decadent, rich foods during the holidays; aka the “Six Week Holiday Binge.” It’s been taught and modeled to most of us since childhood, and for many, it’s hard to break free from the culturally engrained habit of eating for disease during that period of time.
traditions that are excuses to eat (and drink) for disease; planting seeds of toxic addiction and premature death
traditions that cause one to feel “blah”
traditions that result in the accepted norm of waking up on January first ~ lethargic, bloated and depressed; necessitating the need for New Years’ dieting resolutions
Most of us can commit to a health improvement during the holidays.Here's how I will participate in the Six Week Holiday Challenge:
- Decrease salt & sugar
- Drink a green smoothie everyday (a few handfuls of fresh spinach, half a banana, one cup of soy milk and a few pieces of ice) - I made one for my mom this weekend. She loved it!
- Only eat when truly hungry
- Exercise every day
For more information, click here.
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